Friday, July 7, 2017

The Original Crystal Haze: About Our New Music

Dave Ellis, Lead Guitarist of the Original Crystal Haze Band, says about the new music coming out for the new album (on the 40th anniversary of the release of their self-titled first album): 

The new stuff is just total flat-out rock n' roll, wall of sound stuff. It is straight-forward heavy rock, true to our roots...some timing changes at times...stuff to make you think...and lots of guitar solos, lots of modal stuff, like playing in Phrygian-Dominant and harmonic minor modes etc. This is the stuff to blow down the walls with, especially when you compare it to whats coming out new on the radio today. We are putting out stuff that we can EAT UP, and that hopefully everybody else will too...who is into true rock and roll. All the tunes are original compositions (as usual). All of them are brand new written this year, with the exception of Remson, which I wrote in early 1977 for the first album, but of course, it missed the first album when Bryant Minks sold the 12 string  fender electric that he was loaning me for use of my VOx Jaguar organ. WHen the 12 went away, I didn't have the necessary equipment in those days to compensate for the unique sounds that I needed for Remson...but today I can just alter alot of guitar and keyboards sounds to cover for it. Overall, I think our true fans will love this new stuff, and we are just grateful to have the opportunity to still be able to make great rock n' roll in a time when so many of our contemporaries are literally dying off as we speak.  I really want to be able to continue to do this for the rest of my life, and I have the utmost admiration for the Stones to just keep driving on, when everybody their age and even a little younger than them has either quit or been buried.To all our friends and fans: PEACE.

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